(Taken from the FAQ in Postgres wiki)
“What do you think of the Postgres logo?”
fictional mother asked her fictionnal teenager
“The color is a little insipid but it's fine,”
the fictionnal daughter replied.
“Don't you think it feels a little old and outdated?
the fictionnal mother insisted.
“Well, it's not a community of youngsters either,”
the fictionnal daughter explained.
Postgres is most of the time good with error messages
$ pg_dump --format=directory
--file=test -verbose --jobs 5
pg_dump: last built-in OID is 16383
pg_dump: error:
no matching extensions were
$ export PGPASSWORD="******"
$ sudo -u postgres psql -d myDb -w
--no-password -t
-c "SELECT id FROM radusers WHERE id=1"
psql: fe_sendauth: no password supplied
create or replace function allRelevantTeas()
returns table(tea_id integer) as
result refcursor;
stmt text;
countries_with_tea text[] := array[
stmt := '';
for tea_drinker in countries_with_tea loop
stmt := stmt ||
format($$(select tea_id from %I)$$, tea_drinker);
if tea_drinker <> 'china' then
stmt := stmt || $$ union $$;
end if;
end loop;
open result for execute stmt;
return result;
language plpgsql stable;
select * from allRelevantTeas();
syntax error at or near "countries_with_tea"
create or replace function allRelevantTeas()
returns table(tea_id integer) as
result refcursor;
stmt text;
countries_with_tea text[] := array[
stmt := '';
for tea_drinker in countries_with_tea loop
stmt := stmt ||
format($$(select tea_id from %I)$$, tea_drinker);
if tea_drinker <> 'china' then
stmt := stmt || $$ union $$;
end if;
end loop;
open result for execute stmt;
return result;
language plpgsql stable;
for tea_drinker in countries_with_tea loop
foreach tea_drinker in countries_with_tea loop
/* Use psql, the best Postgres client in the world */
/* Making the script idempotent */
drop schema if exists aoc25 cascade;
create schema aoc25;
set search_path to 'aoc25';
/* Insert data into table */
create table input (
id integer generated always as identity primary key,
data text not null
\copy input(data) from 'input.csv';
create function snafuToDec(snafu text) returns bigint as
with snafu(num, l) as (
select string_to_array(snafu, null),
select sum(
(case when element = '-' then '-1'
when element = '=' then '-2'
else element
power(5, l-idx)
from snafu, unnest(num) with ordinality as a(element, idx);
$snafuToDec$ immutable language sql;
alter table input add column decNumber bigint generated always as (
snafuToDec(data)) stored;
create table power5 (num bigint, pow integer);
insert into power5 (num,pow) (
select power(5,n), n
from generate_series(1,26) t(n)
create function pow5(myNumber bigint) returns text as
with recursive processignpow5(x, num, pow, div, remain, snafu) as (
/* Get the highest power of 5 */
select myNumber as x,
myNumber/num as div,
myNumber%num as remain,
(myNumber/num)::text as snafu
from power5
where myNumber/num > 0
order by num desc
limit 1)
union all
select x,
processignpow5.remain/power5.num as div,
processignpow5.remain%power5.num as remain,
processignpow5.snafu || (processignpow5.remain/power5.num)::text
from processignpow5
inner join power5
on processignpow5.pow-1 = power5.pow)
/* To make the snafu conversion easier, let's add a 0 in the front */
select '0' || snafu || remain::text
from processignpow5
order by num
limit 1
$pow5$ language sql;
create function snafu(mydec5 text) returns text as
with recursive snafu(n, pow5, snafu) as (
select 1 as n,
/* If we have a number over 2 as a last digit, then we need to increase
* the "new" last digit.
* By increasing that number we might reach 5, which is bad, obvisouly as
* this is a number on base 5.
* So, we then need to increate the next digit and put 0 instead as a last
* digit.
* That way, we should never get 5 in the snafu digit */
case when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int > 2 and array_length(pow5,1) > 3
/* Now we can safely take into account what happens should we have
* a 5 digit as a last number in our array */
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)-1] = '4'
then pow5[1:array_length(pow5,1)-3] || (pow5[array_length(pow5,1)-2]::int+1)::text || array['0']
else pow5[1:array_length(pow5,1)-2] || (pow5[array_length(pow5,1)-1]::int+1)::text
/* We know we will never get 5 as the digit last digit shouldthe array
* length be 1 because we on purpose added a 0 in front of the base
* 5 number we had converted. */
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int > 2 and array_length(pow5,1) = 2
then array[pow5[1]] || (pow5[2]::int+1)::text
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int > 2 and array_length(pow5,1) = 3
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)-1] = '4'
then array[pow5[1]] || (pow5[2]::int+1)::text || array['0']
else array[pow5[1]] || (pow5[2]::int+1)::text || pow5[3]
else pow5[1:array_length(pow5,1)-1]
end as pow5,
case when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int < 3 then pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int = 3 then '='
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int = 4 then '-'
end as snafu
from (select string_to_array('013140400422344032342', null)) as finalpow5(pow5)
union all
select n+1,
case when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int > 2
then pow5[1:array_length(pow5,1)-2] || (pow5[array_length(pow5,1)-1]::int+1)::text
else pow5[1:array_length(pow5,1)-1]
end as pow5,
(case when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int < 3 then pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int = 3 then '='
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int = 4 then '-'
/* Due to the treatment from before round, we can end up with 5, so we
* need to take that into account */
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int = 5 then '0'
end) || snafu.snafu as snafu
from snafu
where array_length(pow5,1) > 0
case when substring(snafu from 1 for 1) = '0'
then substring(snafu from 2)
else snafu
end as firstStar
from snafu
where snafu is not null
order by n desc
limit 1
$snafu$ language sql;
select snafu(pow5(sum(decNumber)::bigint)) as firstStar
from input;
laetitia=# \i solution.sql
ERROR: column "por5" does not exist
LINE 43:
then por5[1:array_length(pow5,1)-2] ||
HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column
"snafu.pow5" or the column "*SELECT* 1.pow5"
/* Use psql, the best Postgres client in the world */
/* Making the script idempotent */
drop schema if exists aoc25 cascade;
create schema aoc25;
set search_path to 'aoc25';
/* Insert data into table */
create table input (
id integer generated always as identity primary key,
data text not null
\copy input(data) from 'input.csv';
create function snafuToDec(snafu text) returns bigint as
with snafu(num, l) as (
select string_to_array(snafu, null),
select sum(
(case when element = '-' then '-1'
when element = '=' then '-2'
else element
power(5, l-idx)
from snafu, unnest(num) with ordinality as a(element, idx);
$snafuToDec$ immutable language sql;
alter table input add column decNumber bigint generated always as (
snafuToDec(data)) stored;
create table power5 (num bigint, pow integer);
insert into power5 (num,pow) (
select power(5,n), n
from generate_series(1,26) t(n)
create function pow5(myNumber bigint) returns text as
with recursive processignpow5(x, num, pow, div, remain, snafu) as (
/* Get the highest power of 5 */
select myNumber as x,
myNumber/num as div,
myNumber%num as remain,
(myNumber/num)::text as snafu
from power5
where myNumber/num > 0
order by num desc
limit 1)
union all
select x,
processignpow5.remain/power5.num as div,
processignpow5.remain%power5.num as remain,
processignpow5.snafu || (processignpow5.remain/power5.num)::text
from processignpow5
inner join power5
on processignpow5.pow-1 = power5.pow)
/* To make the snafu conversion easier, let's add a 0 in the front */
select '0' || snafu || remain::text
from processignpow5
order by num
limit 1
$pow5$ language sql;
create function snafu(mydec5 text) returns text as
with recursive snafu(n, pow5, snafu) as (
select 1 as n,
/* If we have a number over 2 as a last digit, then we need to increase
* the "new" last digit.
* By increasing that number we might reach 5, which is bad, obvisouly as
* this is a number on base 5.
* So, we then need to increate the next digit and put 0 instead as a last
* digit.
* That way, we should never get 5 in the snafu digit */
case when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int > 2 and array_length(pow5,1) > 3
/* Now we can safely take into account what happens should we have
* a 5 digit as a last number in our array */
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)-1] = '4'
then por5[1:array_length(pow5,1)-3] || (pow5[array_length(pow5,1)-2]::int+1)::text || array['0']
else pow5[1:array_length(pow5,1)-2] || (pow5[array_length(pow5,1)-1]::int+1)::text
/* We know we will never get 5 as the digit last digit shouldthe array
* length be 1 because we on purpose added a 0 in front of the base
* 5 number we had converted. */
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int > 2 and array_length(pow5,1) = 2
then array[pow5[1]] || (pow5[2]::int+1)::text
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int > 2 and array_length(pow5,1) = 3
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)-1] = '4'
then array[pow5[1]] || (pow5[2]::int+1)::text || array['0']
else array[pow5[1]] || (pow5[2]::int+1)::text || pow5[3]
else pow5[1:array_length(pow5,1)-1]
end as pow5,
case when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int < 3 then pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int = 3 then '='
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int = 4 then '-'
end as snafu
from (select string_to_array('013140400422344032342', null)) as finalpow5(pow5)
union all
select n+1,
case when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int > 2
then por5[1:array_length(pow5,1)-2] || (pow5[array_length(pow5,1)-1]::int+1)::text
else pow5[1:array_length(pow5,1)-1]
end as pow5,
(case when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int < 3 then pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int = 3 then '='
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int = 4 then '-'
/* Due to the treatment from before round, we can end up with 5, so we
* need to take that into account */
when pow5[array_length(pow5,1)]::int = 5 then '0'
end) || snafu.snafu as snafu
from snafu
where array_length(pow5,1) > 0
case when substring(snafu from 1 for 1) = '0'
then substring(snafu from 2)
else snafu
end as firstStar
from snafu
where snafu is not null
order by n desc
limit 1
$snafu$ language sql;
select snafu(pow5(sum(decNumber)::bigint)) as firstStar
from input;